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The best ingredients for oily skin

The best ingredients for oily skin
6 October, 2022
Taking care of your skin according to its type is essential for keeping it healthy and beautiful. Every skin type needs certain care and ingredients to balance its condition. In this article, we will focus on the specifics of oily skin.

Oily skin has its own peculiarities and care requirements. If you don't know if your skin is oily, read also our article "Choosing cosmetics according to your skin type".

What are the characteristics of oily skin?

Everyone's skin produces a certain amount of oil through their sebaceous glands. They produce sebum, an oily or waxy substance that moisturizes and protects the skin and hair from external influences. Sebum is vital for keeping the skin healthy.

Oily skin forms when the glands produce too much sebum, leading to excessive oiliness and shininess. This in turn can cause pore clogging and acne.

The right ingredients, products and routine are key to tackling oily skin to prevent subsequent problems from excessive oiliness.

Which ingredients are suitable for oily skin?

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is ideal for balancing and tackling oily skin. If you have oily skin, tea tree oil will help reduce the production of excess sebum and get rid of excessive shininess on the skin. Since oily skin is more prone to breakouts and acne, tea tree oil acts as an antibacterial and heals the resulting inflammation. Its big plus is that it also successfully tackles the removal of whiteheads and blackheads on the face.


Lavender is renowned for its exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. Whether it is in the form of essential oil or floral water, lavender helps soothe the skin, treat pimples and acne, erase acne scars and helps lighten the skin. Its powerful antioxidant qualities also contribute to overall skin repair. One of the other benefits of lavender is that it is a non-comedogenic ingredient, so it is not in danger of clogging pores, making it a great choice for oily and acne-prone skin.

Hyaluronic acid

It's a little known fact that oily skin is actually dehydrated skin. Lack of sufficient hydration in the skin causes the skin to secrete more sebum to compensate for the lack of moisture. Therefore, ingredients such as hyaluronic acid are necessary to regulate the oiliness of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid contains 1000 times more water than its own weight and is therefore indispensable in achieving optimal skin hydration. It is an ingredient that does not irritate the skin and is necessary in any skin. It is important to know that hyaluronic acid is applied to wet skin to allow it to retain moisture in the skin. If it is applied to dry skin, it can have the opposite effect - making the skin even oilier.

Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil is very suitable for oily skin because it does not clog pores and does not form acne and blackheads. It is high in linoleic acid, known as omega-6 fatty acid, which in addition to strengthening the skin barrier, also helps reduce water loss from the skin. Due to the proven antimicrobial properties of grapeseed oil, it can be used to treat acne. It contains antioxidants that have a regenerating and repairing effect on the skin. This makes it suitable if you are looking for a solution to erase acne scars and even out your skin complexion overall.

Which Naturel products are suitable for oily skin?

In Naturel's product range, you can find several products that are suitable for oily skin. With them, you can work out an effective skin care routine.

Start with a good skin cleansing with our Lavender and Tea Tree Bi-Phase Cleanser. It is an excellent cleanser for oily and problem skin prone to acne, enlarged pores and blackheads. Its formula is light, caring with 100% organic ingredients. The lotion gently removes the accumulated impurities on the skin while soothing, healing and balancing it.

As the next step in the routine, you can opt for our Anti-Aging Facial Serum with natural hyaluronic acid to maintain optimal hydration. It also contains a number of soothing ingredients that also benefit oily skin. The gotu kola extract (so-called centella asiatica) and the high aloe vera content normalize sebum secretion and the water-lipid balance of the skin, while being a powerful tool to fight acne and inflammation. For optimum effect, you can tone the skin with our Organic Rose Water Mist before.

Complete your routine with Botanical Hydrating Face Cream, which is ideal for oily and combination skin. Its velvety and light texture absorbs instantly into the skin while hydrating and nourishing it. We've selected a complex of Tahitian gardenia, ylang-ylang and lavender to balance the skin's oil secretion. We've included gotu kola and aloe, which easily tackle acne and enlarged pores. We haven't forgotten organic hazelnut, jojoba, grapeseed and hemp oils to heal and regenerate the skin.

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