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How to choose the right face cream

How to choose the right face cream
3 August, 2022
Face cream is the king of skin care. It has been the most popular cosmetic and beauty remedy since ancient times. In modern day, cosmetic science is quite advanced and we now have a wide choice of different brands, ingredients, formulas and benefits.

Why use a face cream

The use of a face cream is an essential step of overall skin care. It maintains the skin's optimal moisture and elasticity, which helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The main function of face creams is to act as a protective barrier for the skin and improve its condition. Their properties do not end there  - today we can choose a cream that targets a specific problem: pigmentation, redness, inflammation and other skin imperfections.

How to choose the right cream 

The most important factor that matters in choosing the right cream for us is our skin type. There are 5 skin types in total: normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive. Each type has its own specific requirements, so it is important to know our skin.

You can learn more about skin types in our previous article.

Suitable face creams according to your skin type:
  • Normal skin     
Normal skin is the easiest to maintain, so provide it with a good moisturiser with skin-nourishing ingredients.
  • Dry skin
With dry skin, hydration is its weakest point. Opt for a cream with deeper moisturising properties. Rich creams containing a high concentration of high-density oils are suitable for this skin type because they restore its radiance, softness and elasticity.
  • Oily skin
Oily skin needs to balance oiliness. The ideal cream for oily skin is light but with hydrating and mattifying action.
  • Combination skin
Combination skin has characteristics of both oily and dry skin. It is best to use a moisturising cream with skin balancing ingredients.
  • Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin requires very careful care and product selection. Choose a face cream that contains soothing ingredients and reduces the redness and discomfort characteristic of this skin type.
  • Mature skin
Although mature skin does not officially qualify as a type, it also needs special care. For mature skin choose a thicker face cream that has anti-aging, nourishing and brightening effects.

BONUS: 3 tips for getting the maximum benefits from your face creams

1. Use more than one face cream (if needed)

Dermatologists recommend that we use a moisturizer and if necessary a cream that targets a particular problem. Moisturizing cream is an essential step for any skin type and can be used morning and night. If your skin suffers from various imperfections or needs extra care, choose a cream with the right repairing and healing ingredients for the problem.

2. Apply the cream to damp skin

Apply your face cream while your skin is moist. The best time to apply the cream is a few minutes after a bath or shower. You can also splash your face with floral water and then immediately apply the face cream. When we apply cream on damp skin, it retains the moisture in the skin better. This tip is especially helpful if your skin is drier and you have a hard time keeping it hydrated.

3. Watch out for the composition of the cream

The variety of face creams on the market is huge. Educate yourself about harmful cosmetic ingredients and always check the label of the products you buy. It happens that a product that is marketed for dry skin, for example, may contain ingredients that are drying to the skin or one for oily skin may have a composition that would increase sebum production.

We advise you to choose face creams that have a quality and natural composition clearly described on their label. Naturel's face creams combine the highest quality organic, nutrient-grade oils combined with the most effective and advanced ingredients in the cosmetic industry.
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