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Choosing cosmetics according to skin type

Choosing cosmetics according to skin type
29 April, 2022

Have you ever wanted to try a cosmetic product from an advertisement, a friend's recommendation, or simply be attracted by its packaging, but when you start using it, you are not at all satisfied with its performance?

This is a common frustration that almost every woman has experienced, especially if she doesn't know her skin's needs. That's why it's very important to be aware of what type she is and what cosmetics are suitable for her.

Skin types

Our skin type is genetically determined, although it is also influenced by other factors. It may change over time.

There are several skin types and there are combinations between them. Every skin is different and has its own characteristics. The main skin types are:

  • normal

  • dry

  • combination

  • oily

  • sensitive

How to determine your skin type

Determining your skin type is done with a very simple test.

Wash your face and wait an hour. If after an hour your facial skin looks shiny, you probably have oily skin. If it feels stretched and tight - it is dry. You'll know combination skin by the appearance of shininess in the T-zone - mainly on your nose and forehead, while the rest of your face is dry, stretched or even normal. Does it feel comfortable, soft and without areas of oiliness or dryness - then it is a normal type.

Sensitive skin is a little harder to determine because it is affected by external influences. If redness, rashes and inflammation are common, then your skin is more likely to be sensitive.

Suitable products for each skin type

At Naturel Cosmetics, we create products that cover each skin type. Generally, the choice of the right cosmetic products is tied to the characteristics that each skin type has.

Normal skin is the type that has no problems - we need to keep it in the condition it is in. To maintain it we need a good cleanser, sufficient hydration and a cream that enhances its beauty.

Dry skin is mostly lacking in hydration. It often loses its glow and looks grey and dull. When cleansing, it is a good idea to opt for a light cleanser. Don't miss out on toning too. Vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, aloe, argan oil and rose oil are great ingredients to restore moisture to your skin and its healthy glow. It's easily prone to wrinkles, so don't skip the nourishing creams and anti-aging care.

Oily skin suffers from excessive sebum secretion, so try to introduce oil-balancing products into your routine. Oily skin is often dehydrated, so hydratation it is very important. Opt for a moisturizer with a mattifying effect to prevent unpleasant shininess during the day.

Skin with combined characteristics of oily and dry areas requires a combination of products to balance it out. In areas with increased oiliness, emphasise products with a mattifying and balancing action. To balance the rest of your drier face, opt for moisturizing creams with high oil content and serums with brightening and revitalizing effects.

Sensitive skin is the hardest to take care of. Its reaction to each product can be different. For it, it is important to choose cosmetics that are pure and natural in composition. All Naturel products are made entirely from organic and natural ingredients, meeting the requirements for cosmetics of the highest quality.


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